The book that has possibly converted me into a book worm...

Let me start off my telling you that this is the only book i have actually completed... I'm not a reader, i've tried and failed and tried and failed again, i just can't seem to get lost into a book. Until i spontaneously decided to buy this one.

I can't put into words how beautiful the story is. I don't want to talk too much about the plot because i promise it's best to go in blind. But the story is based around a young woman named Louisa Clark, who is now the full time carer of quadriplegic, Will Traynor, as this is her only option after losing her job at the Buttered Bun. She has something extremely challenging to do during her 6 month contract and Will Traynor isn't the most pleasing of people.

The book has a really big curse as to how much you connect with the characters. You grow to love them all. It makes you want to live life and do everything possible, truly inspirational.

If you're looking for a huge, and i mean huge, sob, then read this. Such a beautiful yet heart breaking tragedy. Jojo Moyes is an extremely talented author and i'm literally getting a little teary even thinking of this book.


Kate xox

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